[CF] D. Eating - Codeforces Round 1005 (Div. 2)
[CF] D. Compression - Educational Codeforces Round 59 (Rated for Div. 2)
[CF] C. Game with Multiset - Educational Codeforces Round 160 (Rated for Div. 2)
[CF] A. You Are Given Two Binary Strings... - Educational Codeforces Round 70 (Rated for Div. 2)
D. Paths in a Complete Binary Tree - Educational Codeforces Round 18
E. Wooden Game - Codeforces Round 959 sponsored by NEAR (Div. 1 + Div. 2)
[CF] C. Vasya And The Mushrooms - Educational Codeforces Round 48 (Rated for Div. 2)
[CF] B. Segment Occurrences - Educational Codeforces Round 48 (Rated for Div. 2)
[CF] B. Array Walk - Educational Codeforces Round 92 (Rated for Div. 2)
[CF] E. Turtle vs. Rabbit Race: Optimal Trainings - Codeforces Round 929 (Div. 3)
[CF] B. Alice, Bob, Two Teams - Educational Codeforces Round 9
[CF] B. Switches and Lamps - Educational Codeforces Round 44 (Rated for Div. 2)
[CF] E. Pencils and Boxes - Educational Codeforces Round 44 (Rated for Div. 2)
[CF] B. Subsequence Update - Codeforces Round 1000 (Div. 2)
[CF] C. Closest Cities - Educational Codeforces Round 161 (Rated for Div. 2)
C. Light Switches - Codeforces Round 963 (Div. 2)
[AtCoder] Beginner Contest 177
[CF] E. Vasya and Binary String - Educational Codeforces Round 59 (Rated for Div. 2)
[CF] B. Minimization - Codeforces Round 317 [AimFund Thanks-Round] (Div. 1)
[CF] D. 0-1-Tree - Educational Codeforces Round 64 (Rated for Div. 2)
[CF] F. Clear The Matrix - Educational Codeforces Round 34 (Rated for Div. 2)
[CF] E. Cheap Dinner - Educational Codeforces Round 104 (Rated for Div. 2)
[CF] E. Pencils and Boxes - Educational Codeforces Round 44 (Rated for Div. 2)
[CF] C. Kevin and Puzzle - IAEPC Preliminary Contest (Codeforces Round 999, Div. 1 + Div. 2)
[CF] F. Replace on Segment - Educational Codeforces Round 161 (Rated for Div. 2)
[CF] E. Selling Souvenirs - Educational Codeforces Round 21
[CF] C. You Are Given a WASD-string... - Educational Codeforces Round 70 (Rated for Div. 2)
[CF] D. Magic Numbers - Educational Codeforces Round 8
E. Array Queries - Educational Codeforces Round 19
C. Divide by Three - Educational Codeforces Round 18
E. Cashback - Codeforces Round 466 (Div. 2)
C. Sonya and Problem Wihtout a Legend - Codeforces Round 371 (Div. 1)
C. The Values You Can Make - Codeforces Round 360 (Div.1)
[CF] B. Variety is Discouraged - Codeforces Round 1005 (Div. 2)
[CF] C. Remove the Ends - Codeforces Round 1005 (Div. 2)
[CF] C. Brutality - Educational Codeforces Round 59 (Rated for Div. 2)
[CF] B. Students in Railway Carriage - Educational Codeforces Round 42 (Rated for Div. 2)
[CF] A. Broken Keyboard - Educational Codeforces Round 75 (Rated for Div. 2)
A. Points on the line - Codeforces Round 466 (Div. 2)
D. Dense Subsequence - Intel Code Challenge Final Round
[CF] E. Mycraft Sand Sort - Codeforces Round 1005 (Div. 2)
[CF] D. Cubes - Codeforces Round 295 (Div. 2)
[CF] H. Bro Thinks He's Him - Codeforces Round 1003 (Div. 4)
[CF] E. Special Segments of Permutation - Educational Codeforces Round 64 (Rated for Div. 2)
E. Level Up - Educational Codeforces Round 168
[CF] D. Compression - Educational Codeforces Round 59 (Rated for Div. 2)
[CF] F. Topforces Strikes Back - Codeforces Round 570 (Div. 3)
[CF] A. LCM Problem - Educational Codeforces Round 92 (Rated for Div. 2)
[CF] B. Cat Cycle - Educational Codeforces Round 104 (Rated for Div. 2)
[CF] C. Minimum Ties - Educational Codeforces Round 104 (Rated for Div. 2)
[CF] D. Turtle Tenacity: Continual Mods - Codeforces Round 929 (Div. 3)
[CF] C. Insert and Equalize - Educational Codeforces Round 159 (Rated for Div. 2)
[CF] B. You Are Given a Decimal String... - Educational Codeforces Round 70 (Rated for Div. 2)
[CF] C. Three Garlands - Educational Codeforces Round 35 (Rated for Div. 2)
[CF] B. New Skateboard - Educational Codeforces Round 8
C. Light Switches - Codeforces Round 963 (Div. 2)
[模板][数论] 扩展欧几里得算法(ExGCD)
[算法][数论] 扩展欧几里得算法
[算法][数论] 最大公约数(GCD)与欧几里得算法
[模板][数论] 模下计算
[AtCoder] Beginner Contest 177 E - Coprime
[CF] E. Mycraft Sand Sort - Codeforces Round 1005 (Div. 2)
[CF] E. Triangle Tree - Codeforces Round 1000 (Div. 2)
[CF] C. Remove Exactly Two - Codeforces Round 1000 (Div. 2)
[CF] E. Nested Segments - Codeforces Round 997 (Div. 2)
[CF] D. Broken BST - Educational Codeforces Round 19
D. Maximize the Root - Educational Codeforces Round 168
E. Wooden Game - Codeforces Round 959 sponsored by NEAR (Div. 1 + Div. 2)
[CF] E. Mycraft Sand Sort - Codeforces Round 1005 (Div. 2)
[LC] 3420. Count Non-Decreasing Subarrays After K Operations - Weekly Contest 432
E. Level Up - Educational Codeforces Round 168
G. Penacony - Codeforces Round 962 (Div. 3)
[Luogu] P4588 [TJOI2018]数学计算
[AtCoder] Beginner Contest 177 F - I hate Shortest Path Problem
[CF] E. Mycraft Sand Sort - Codeforces Round 1005 (Div. 2)
[CF] H. Bro Thinks He's Him - Codeforces Round 1003 (Div. 4)
[CF] B. Forming Triangles - Educational Codeforces Round 161 (Rated for Div. 2)
[CF] E. Nested Segments - Codeforces Round 997 (Div. 2)
[CF] D. Almost Identity Permutations - Educational Codeforces Round 32
[CF] D. Print a 1337-string... - Educational Codeforces Round 70 (Rated for Div. 2)
[CF] D. Array Collapse - Educational Codeforces Round 160 (Rated for Div. 2)
E. Decode - Codeforces Round 962 (Div. 3)
[CF] B. Variety is Discouraged - Codeforces Round 1005 (Div. 2)
[CF] C. Remove the Ends - Codeforces Round 1005 (Div. 2)
[CF] D. Eating - Codeforces Round 1005 (Div. 2)
[CF] C. Brutality - Educational Codeforces Round 59 (Rated for Div. 2)
[CF] E. Vasya and Binary String - Educational Codeforces Round 59 (Rated for Div. 2)
[CF] B. Minimization - Codeforces Round 317 [AimFund Thanks-Round] (Div. 1)
[CF] D. Cubes - Codeforces Round 295 (Div. 2)
[CF] F. Topforces Strikes Back - Codeforces Round 570 (Div. 3)
[CF] B. Array Walk - Educational Codeforces Round 92 (Rated for Div. 2)
[CF] C. Customer Service - Codeforces Round 1002 (Div. 2)
[CF] B. Cost of the Array - Codeforces Round 1002 (Div. 2)
[CF] C. Match Points - Educational Codeforces Round 64 (Rated for Div. 2)
[CF] B. The Modcrab - Educational Codeforces Round 34 (Rated for Div. 2)
[CF] E. Cheap Dinner - Educational Codeforces Round 104 (Rated for Div. 2)
[CF] C. Boxes Packing - Educational Codeforces Round 34 (Rated for Div. 2)
[CF] C. Slay the Dragon - Educational Codeforces Round 114 (Rated for Div. 2)
[CF] A. Chess Placing - Educational Codeforces Round 44 (Rated for Div. 2)
[CF] D. Sand Fortress - Educational Codeforces Round 44 (Rated for Div. 2)
[CF] E. Pencils and Boxes - Educational Codeforces Round 44 (Rated for Div. 2)
[CF] D. Min Cost String - Educational Codeforces Round 107 (Rated for Div. 2)
[CF] B. Students in Railway Carriage - Educational Codeforces Round 42 (Rated for Div. 2)
[CF] D. Subtract Min Sort - Codeforces Round 998 (Div. 3)
[CF] B. Getting Points - Educational Codeforces Round 159 (Rated for Div. 2)
[CF] C. Insert and Equalize - Educational Codeforces Round 159 (Rated for Div. 2)
[CF] B. Subsequence Update - Codeforces Round 1000 (Div. 2)
[CF] C. Remove Exactly Two - Codeforces Round 1000 (Div. 2)
[CF] D. Game With Triangles - Codeforces Round 1000 (Div. 2)
[CF] E. Kevin and And - IAEPC Preliminary Contest (Codeforces Round 999, Div. 1 + Div. 2)
[CF] D. Kevin and Numbers - IAEPC Preliminary Contest (Codeforces Round 999, Div. 1 + Div. 2)
[CF] A. Kevin and Arithmetic - IAEPC Preliminary Contest (Codeforces Round 999, Div. 1 + Div. 2)
[CF] C. Game of Mathletes - Codeforces Round 998 (Div. 3)
[CF] B. Buggy Robot - Educational Codeforces Round 32
[CF] E. Selling Souvenirs - Educational Codeforces Round 21
[CF] D. Scarecrow - Codeforces Round 996 (Div. 2)
[LC] 3420. Count Non-Decreasing Subarrays After K Operations - Weekly Contest 432
[CF] D. Print a 1337-string... - Educational Codeforces Round 70 (Rated for Div. 2)
[CF] C. Game with Multiset - Educational Codeforces Round 160 (Rated for Div. 2)
[CF] A. You Are Given Two Binary Strings... - Educational Codeforces Round 70 (Rated for Div. 2)
[CF] B. Binary Palindromes - Educational Codeforces Round 75 (Rated for Div. 2)
[CF] C. Minimize The Integer - Educational Codeforces Round 75 (Rated for Div. 2)
[CF] D. Salary Changing - Educational Codeforces Round 75 (Rated for Div. 2)
C. Minimal string - Educational Codeforces Round 19
B. Odd sum - Educational Codeforces Round 19
A. Simple Palindrome - Codeforces Round 972 (Div. 2)
B. Our Tanya is Crying Out Loud - Codeforces Round 466 (Div. 2)
C. Phone Numbers - Codeforces Round 466 (Div. 2)
D. Alena And The Heater - Codeforces Round 466 (Div. 2)
E. Cashback - Codeforces Round 466 (Div. 2)
E. Water Taps - Educational Codeforces Round 40
D. Med-imize - Codeforces Round 963 (Div. 2)